L0ngest Duration To Performed In Padangustha Dhanurasana for 4 hours without any break.
Miss.Jyostmita Saikia, D/O Mr. Kushal Saikia, (Born 22-10-2012), Dakarghat Dist, Nagaon, India
has balanced her body in Padangustha Dhanurasana for 4 hours without any break.
This is a world record done first of it's kind.
The event was officially held on 24-01-2021 at Nagaon, Assam and organized by Amb.Hareshear saikia-the president of CBWR in Assam.
CBWR congratulate World record achiever's yoga coach Mr.Anjan Kaushik Sharma.
In the mean time, the event was monitored through online by Dr.Neelamegam Nimalan -founder of CBWR and Amb.D.Prabhu- General manager of CBWR.