Dr.Murugathas, Son of Vipulananthan (Born on 16th march 1977) performed 1 hour 40 minutes Yoga-Sadhana on Ice including 61 minutes in Sirasasana with Padmasana and Ashvinimudra variations. Among others there have been performed asanas in different sitting, lying down, standing up and balancing positions as Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimuttaasana Ardha-Matsiendrasana, Crow Pose, Vrikshasana and many others.
Officially held on 2nd of February 2019 at Sivagangai, Tamil nadu,India. Cholan book of world records is glad to Register this achievement as a world record.
This is to certify that Pavol Durdik born on 14.9.2015 [33-months old] from Slovakia showcased 45 punches on punching pad in 10 seconds. The recod was made on 14.6.2018 at Puchov ,Slovakia.
[caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="480"] All-focus[/caption]